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The Importance of Cell Stabilization in DNA testing.

DNA Molecule Inside a Test Tube. Conceptual Image


When increased cell free DNA (cfDNA) is found in a stable blood sample, it can be a marker for various conditions, including cancer. As cancerous tumor cells escape into the circulatory system, they can shed cfDNA into the blood plasma. When blood is collected for liquid biopsy, transport logistics can be complicated by short blood stabilization times.

Samples must remain stable long enough to ensure transport to a laboratory in time for analysis. Stabilization time is crucial to simplifying the transport of blood samples for analysis. Commonly used blood collection tubes (EDTA) can have stabilization times that risk breakdown of blood components, such as white blood cells.

This breakdown triggers the proliferation of stable genomic DNA and cell free DNA in the blood sample. The Cell-Free DNA BCT maintains cell-free DNA for up to 14 days at 6°C to 37°C and CTCs for up to 7 days at 15°C to 30°C. This allows for logistical flexibility.

What is Cell Free DNA (cfDNA) and Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA)?

Cell Free and Circulating Tumor DNA are free floating DNA fragments in human blood. The are released by dying normal cells or tumors. They are very short fragments and degrade almost immediately. Many clinical and biotech research tests depend on the detection of cfDNA and ctDNA. Tests include Non-Invasive Prenatal testing (NIPT) and liquid biopsy for cancer research.

The Importance of Workflow

The Cell-Free DNA BCT maintains cell-free DNA for up to 14 days at 6°C to 37°C and CTCs for up to 7 days at 15°C to 30°C. This allows sufficient time to ship samples to the testing facility and maintain the integrity of the sample.

Streck Cell Free DNA BCT®

  • A direct draw blood collection tube that preserves cfDNA , CTCs and gDNA (genomic DNA)
  • Allows for standardized sample collection & transport
  • Extended sample stability, provides flexibility in processing or batching samples
  • Ambient temperature sample storage
  • 670+ independent publications

Streck offer a comprehensive line of stabilization products including:

  • Nucleic Acid BCT
  • Protein Plus BCT
  • RNA Complete BCT

  • Streck Urine Preserve
  • Streck Cell Preservative
  • Cyto-Chex BCT

Click here to learn more about Streck Cell Free DNA BCT®

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